Life’s a breeze~

Well, it’s been a long ride…

my mom said I was very, very sick…




chickens aren’t supposed to eat

rubber gloves!!!

No one ever told ME that!!!

Actually, it wasn’t an entire rubber glove…

BUT that’s what my dad told my mom when he figured it out!

It was enough to make me very, very sick.

I stopped eating.

I stopped talking.

I stopped walking around.

I felt awful.

My mom tried giving me yogurt.

My mom tried giving me vinegar in water.

My mom tried giving me mineral oil.

My mom stopped taking my picture… she said I was too sick for modeling 😦

After 2 days, Dr. Mark said to try sulfur.

I moved into the house, again.

I sat on the edge of my box for days.

My mom cuddled me and tried to coax me to eat

yogurt & vinegar & mineral oil & sulfur.

Finally, I started feeling a little better.

My energy started coming back.

My dad let me play outside for a little while.

I slept a lot.

My dad found the glove, THEN


I had to eat boiled rice

and soft corn

and yogurt



my mom let me start

eating regular food again!

I’ve stopped napping and

I play outside ALL DAY LONG!

My mom gives me extra treats…

she says I need to gain some weight.

The  D – O – G  is being very nice to me!

I think he likes me!

The black  C – A – T  is a monster!

HE chases me and my  S – I – B – L – I – N – G – S  all over the place!

Spring came in.

Flowers are starting to bloom.

(My friend, Celeste, caught me sunning myself)

The birds are singing.

My mom spends time outside with me.

That Esmeralda is BACK!

She harasses ME!

The others aren’t so bad, but SHE IS EVERYWHERE!

I’m enjoying the sunshine.

So is my birth mother and the  S – I – B – L – I – N – G – S .

It feels so good to take dirt baths again!

I’ve been having so much fun





THEY are getting in so much T R O U B L E…

MY dad is thinking of locking them up!


I’m off and running…

until next time!


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The Reluctant Roomie~

So, my dad’s at it again.

For some strange reason, he thinks that I should like HER!

He made me a special house and then



Lucky for me, my mom came and rescued me!

I couldn’t wait to get out of there…

I flew right up onto my mom’s head.

SHE wasn’t happy with me.

I guess I had dirty feet and she had to go meet a client.

My dad decided to cuddle with HER!

… while HE WATCHED!

I was NOT thrilled when she jumped down and chased me around the counter.

Neither was my mom.

Bouffie is back at the barn… GOOD RIDDANCE!

My birth mother and the S – I – B – L – I – N – G – S invade my space.

BUT my dad likes ME better.

At least I don’t have to SHARE with THEM!

We had a little bit of snow… I don’t like it!

The C – A – T gets between me and my mom…


I pretend not to care…

BUT sometimes I do, especially when I’M OUTNUMBERED!!!

SO, I wait by the door to come in… until the D – O – G gets TOO CLOSE!!!

and I fly up onto my mom’s shoulder WHERE IT IS SAFE ❤

It snowed again, and I still don’t like it.

I tried to get my mom’s attention…

to let her know that THIS JUST WON’T DO!

A bunch of ladies came over to see me…

(photo by Doreen Piechota)

BUT my mom said they came over for a Walker Homestead Hearthside Hook-In.

My mom baked…

(photo by Doreen Piechota)

(photo by Doreen Piechota)

and my dad cooked…

and the ladies HOOKED…


and ATE…

and HOOKED some more… FOR 2 WHOLE DAYS!

(photo by Doreen Piechota)

I got to visit for a few minutes, but my mom said chickens don’t belong in the house… CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???


(photo by Doreen Piechota)

that she is working on a rug of ME!

My mom designed a rug of our ram, Amos, for my Auntie Celeste to hook…

and it’s looking great!

(photo by Doreen Piechota)

Denise is doing a wonderful job with her Americana sheep…

(photo by Doreen Piechota)

Jewell’s cat is awesome!

Kate’s meticulous work is really coming along…

(photo by Doreen Piechota)

and everyone loved Doreen’s new design…

(photo by Doreen Piechota)

and Audrey almost finished her rug… IN 2 DAYS!!!

My mom said I could share her cookie recipe…

it’s my FAVORITE!

My dad cuddled with my birth mother…

so I played hard to get.

The better weather came back…

the D – O – G soaked up the sun on the garlic bed…

the C – A – T got too close for comfort again…

HE thinks HE is my mom’s favorite



The S – I – B – L – I – N – G – S were out harassing me…

but I tried to ignore them.

It rained cats and dogs last week, but I stayed in.

When it stopped, everyone went for a walk…

and got into a bit of a scuffle…

poor Ace (or Eldridge as Uncle Jimmy calls him).

The S – I – B – L – I – N – G – S played in the puddles…

while I watched from my mom’s shoulder, keeping MY feet DRY!

My mom let me come in to work on my blog…

and cuddle against her neck, my favorite spot!

Well, that’s it for now, I hear my dad calling me!

Until next time…


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A New Year~

So, life is grand.

(Photo by Bonnie Lucente)

I decided that I need more than just corn to eat

now that it’s COLD.

There isn’t anything good to eat on the floor…

so I convinced my mom to give me special snacks.

Sometimes I make a mess…

and sometimes I bite the hand that feeds me.

Sometimes I pretend that I don’t care…

and sometimes I act real proud.

I helped the cable guy fix the lines… Luca and my dad tried to help, too.

The cable guy was pretty impressed with me!

My mom and I took a walk in the garden…

and believe it or not…

we actually found things BLOOMING!

My mom says that the plants think it’s spring… I believe her!

My favorite girls came home for Christmas BUT

I think they like the C – A – T – S

more than ME!

OR… maybe SHE likes the D – O – G more!

I came in for my Christmas treats and my dad took a nap with ME!

My friend Bonnie came to visit me.

SHE likes ME!

I fell asleep in her arms!

OOPS!!!  Look who came with her!

It’s my friend Maria, but who is THAT???

a    D – O – G ???

My mom thought he was really CUTE!

I didn’t.

HE was drooooooooooooling over ME!!!


Maria tried to hold me BUT

I wasn’t thrilled.

She brought me a bonnet, so my dad helped her try it on.

(Photo by Bonnie Lucente)

I really, really, really don’t think I like him…

BUT my mom and Maria say Lumpy (yes, that’s his name, can you believe it???) is nice…

NOT sure about that!

For some reason, this C – A – T wants to hang out with ME!

I haven’t figured it out yet.

My mom and dad thought it was funny when I landed on this book…

I didn’t!

My dad tried to apologize…

and so did my mom.

I’ll think about it.

My mom had me model my shawl again, but I drew the line and said NO to the bonnet!

Once a day is ENOUGH!

New Year’s Day dawned bright and clear.

A perfect day to wander the gardens, take a walk…

the C – A – T – S tried to see how many footprints would fit on my mom’s car, but got too tired and decided to take a nap.

Pretty ridiculous, if you ask ME!

I went for a walk…

and HE followed me!

My birth mother and the S – I – B – L – I – N – G – S

thought they could come in the house, TOO!

My dad said NO!

I’m special.

So, until next time…



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Settlin’ In~

Someone, who shall remain nameless, TOTALLY FORGOT

that it GETS DARK EARLY now…

I had to fly up onto the windowsill to



My dad THOUGHT I needed a new friend

so he brought this weird looking chicken up to the house


SHE had feathered feet


a BIZARRE hairdo!

He calls her Bouffy…

yeah, like a bouffant

(play /bˈfɑːnt/) is a type of hairstyle characterized by hair piled high on the head and hanging down on the sides).


He actually thinks that I might like HER???


My Uncle Jim cuddles with the C – A – T – S on the back steps…

Sometimes I sneak over to join them


he might want to hang out with me.

I decided to help my mom out with her next article…

BUT I had to watch out for the SIBLINGS and the sheep and goats…


Dora came into MY garden and I had to go hide under the baptisia!

I like it better when no one bothers me!

OOPS!  Better get outta here… there’s that C – A – T again!

Welllllllll, maybe he’s not going to bother me after all.

EVERYWHERE I went, HE was there, too!

buk, buk, buk… buk, buk, buk!


Yes, I have learned how to squawk LOUDLY!

My mom is not thrilled.

It’s particularly fun to squawk in her ear!

She said I sound like a seagull… can you IMAGINE?

My mom decided to knit me a shawl.

Her friend, Sharon,  found the instructions on the internet.

I didn’t like it very much

so she let me take it off.

Olivia decided that Amos was pretty handsome…

she kept nuzzling up to him UNTIL

HE sent her PACKING!!!

Guess she forgot that she’s a goat and he’s a sheep!

The grandchildren came over again.

They all wanted to feed me at once…

then they all went away EXCEPT

THIS ONE!  She liked feeding me.

My mom let me come in the house

for a snack AND

to write my blog…

my dad didn’t understand…

sooooooo, that’s it for now,

until next time!

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Anything but Dull Around Here~

Well, my mom finally came home from her long journey…

and winter keeps flitting in and out,

BUT life has been anything but dull around here!

My sister came all the way from Washington, DC to visit me!

She stood up for me…

admired my fine feathers…

and we had some “girl talk”…



sad farewells~

I have to put up with all the B – O – Y – S…


the peacocks are in the barn now, so I don’t have to deal with THEM!

Especially that Esmeralda!

The garden is looking barren

and a strange bird is hanging around the yard.

My dad tried to feed him and he ran away but

he came back today.

He has a white ring around his neck and makes a weird sound.

My mom and her friends have been going crazy making things

and decorating lately.

She even made this ornament of me!

The grandchildren came to visit… they like me…

and disagree over who should hold me…

not sure how I feel about this!

PHEW!   I was glad when they left!

(photo by Bonnie Lucente for “Home in New England“)

Lots of people came to visit us this weekend… the first thing they saw

was a sign with MY PICTURE on it!

My mom tells me that Candy Looker painted it

because she thinks I’m PRETTY!

Father Christmas came to visit… some people thought he was more interesting than ME!

(Photo by Bonnie Lucente for “Home in New England”  left to right, Bonnie Lucente, Father Christmas, Maria Cardillo of Country Culture)


(Karen Boulay, Primitive Thymes)

Some people thought the D – O – G was more interesting than ME!!!



Doesn’t he know that feathers are for BIRDS???

SO, every time the door was left open


just to REMIND THEM who

is PRINCESS around HERE!

(Photo by Bonnie Lucente for “Home in New England“)

My mom let me sit on her shoulder


have a sip of her mulled cider in the Garden Shop

(photo by Maria Cardillo)

where I hung out all evening with my Auntie Celeste

(photo by Maria Cardillo)

until I started biting people.

My mom decided I was tired so

she brought me to my dad’s woodshop to sleep.

One the way we passed the dyeing pots…

(photo by Maria Cardillo)

which are pretty SCARY at night!


wouldn’t come down until she put me on my roost!

Some people saw me and thought it was funny, but I didn’t!

The grandchildren came back, but lucky for me, they liked HIM more than ME!

I snuck in the house again

and Auntie Celeste let me visit.

I know how to make her laugh!

More people came to visit… Karan (Richmond House Antiques) said she isn’t afraid of my biting…

since she has chickens at home!

BUT my mom put me back outside anyway.

It was fun to see everyone, but I’m glad to have some time to myself.

I snuck in the house again

and helped my dad on the computer.

He wasn’t so sure he wanted my help, especially when my claws slid down his scalp…

so my mom took me away!

But first, she gave me kisses

and let me pose in front of the Christmas tree~

Well, that’s it for now!  We’ve got to plant garlic before the snow flies.

Until next time~


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WINTER comes early~


has been



My mom left in this big truck



with all the BOYS!


I don’t know what she was thinking!

I think she forgot how cute I am.

While she was gone…


Yes, snow… I HATE IT!

My dad decided I could come stay in his woodshop…

IT was certainly BETTER than OUTSIDE!

Trees were cracking LOUDLY for TWO WHOLE DAYS!

My dad locked the peafowl up in the barn

so they wouldn’t blow away!

THEY don’t bother ME anymore!

The magnolia tree the siblings sleep in was DESTROYED!

BUT they were okay.

There was lots of other damage.

Branches broke everywhere… can you believe it?


The C – A – T tried to comfort me…

but I didn’t trust HIM!

His favorite sleeping spot up on the wisteria arbor



The siblings are having fun hanging out in this broken tree,

BUT I don’t like it!

NOTHING is the same.

The D – O – G decided that since mom was away,

it was time to


He started harassing chickens and cats!

He traumatized my birth mother!

My dad thought she was dead…

BUT after two days in the house, she sprang back to life AND


She is fine now.

My dad let me talk on the phone with my mom.

She talked chicken talk with me and

I pecked at the phone.

After what felt like forever,

my mom came home

in the big truck.

I ignore her when she calls me.

I BITE her when she picks me up.

Maybe she’ll get the message…


She’s been giving me treats

and letting me come in the house

and sit on her shoulder at the computer.

MAYBE, just MAYBE, I’ll forgive her.

After all, there’s no nicer place to snuggle than my mom’s neck!

Until next time…

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Reality Sets In…

So, today is my dad’s birthday…

HE didn’t warn me, so I didn’t have a present for him

which made me very sad, BUT

I WILL sneak in to wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY…


I DID spend the other day helping him in the shop…

HE likes it when I help, BUT

sometimes he thinks I’m BOSSY!  Here I am SUPERVISING him as he works on our Walker Homestead display for Simple Goods!  HE always THINKS that HE knows MORE than ME!!!   BUT

he’s WRONG!


NOW, he’s listening!

So, it’s getting pretty COLD out there!

I still enjoy looking for treats in the garden…

that is, when SHE isn’t in the way!

I lost my friend, Sadie… she’s buried in the Remembrance Garden where I can visit her ❤

…and where she can smell the flowers~

My birth mother is still HARASSING me!  BUT

SHE’s not as mean as SHE looks…

the siblings are still a PAIN!

but nothing compared to HER!!!

SHE chases me AND

B – I – T – E – S


WHAT did I ever do to HER???


L – I – K – E – S



WHY not ME?

I snuck in the house again…

HE wanted to come in, TOO!

My dad let me ride Luca’s back.

He didn’t like that very much!

Some days are better than others…

HE thinks he’s ALL THAT!

Little does he realize how silly he looks, especially when he shakes his feathers at the girls!


he is getting pretty in the front… kind of.

I snuck in the house again… it’s warmer in there!

DON’T THEY GET IT???  I want to live INSIDE!!!

Some days I look sad and dejected…

so my mom will spoil me… this time I got cornbread!

We had a visitor the other day…

Mark Kimball Moulton, a writer and photographer, came by to visit us!

(Photo by Mark Kimball Moulton)

Fidel was bored with him, can you imagine???  RUDE!

(Photo by Mark Kimball Moulton)

I had trouble paying attention… I just knew S – H – E

was right around the corner!!!

(photo by Mark Kimball Moulton)

I think he liked H – E – R better!

I KNOW I’m prettier!!!

Can you believe S – H – E  TALKS to MY MOM???

She thinks  S – H – E  is pretty special, going brrrrrrrup!  brrrrrrrup!  brrrrrrrup!


MY MOM talks back to H – E – R!!!

So, I snuck in the house again!

and snuggled…

with my friend, Celeste.


Well, that’s it for now…

My mom tells me she is leaving me for a while.

That makes me sad, BUT

my dad says I might be able to stay in his shop

when it gets REALLY COLD!


Celeste promised she would visit me again.

Until next time…


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Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr….. it’s getting cold!

Well, I don’t quite understand what is going on…

Now that I live outside,

really, O U T S I D E…

I’m learning how cold it gets here.



There are no more lights to keep me warm…

and lots of strange noises through the night!

It’s a good thing I have lots of feathers now!

I’ve been very busy in the garden looking for bugs

and avoiding those nasty peacocks!


They think the firepit is their perch!

They sit on the roof like vultures

just waiting for us to get fed

so they can STEAL OUR FOOD!!!

It’s not like they don’t get fed at the barn!

Even the siblings are afraid of them!

My nasty brother tried attacking my mom the other day…

my birth mother put him in his place, blasting him for biting the hand that feeds him!

The C – A – T is still around, looking cute and trying to steal all my attention…

but even HE is afraid of those stupid peacocks!

My mom wants to call this one Esmerelda… what do you think?  She’s pretty EVIL!

Grampa came down to visit and my dad had to show him how cute I am!

He was impressed with how I just hang out…

in my dad’s hand… see how IMPRESSED I am???


I snuck in the house the other day to check out what my mom is working on…

It looks like she designed another rug around ME!



I’m still laying eggs (my mom’s so proud of me!)

aren’t they beautiful???

So, I guess I’ve gotta get used to this C – O – L – D ! ! !


I get to enjoy this beautiful warm October day!


Until next time…


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A little excitement goes a long way~

It’s been awhile since I last wrote

but life has been very busy around here.

Some days are easier than others.

I thought the C – A – T was going to be my biggest problem,

BUT, he’s pretty easy to get along with…

HE likes to help mom in the garden

just like ME!

On the other hand, those stupid birds are taking over!

HE was posing for mom…

and those dumb birds chased him away… can you believe it???  BIRDS chasing a C – A – T ? ? ?

BUT they do

AND they get away with it…


They are taking over MY dooryard…

This one is very nosy, she always has her beak somewhere where it doesn’t belong!  Not like me at all!

Sometimes I have to fly up onto the plant tables just to get a break from them!

They sneak into the coop and steal our food.  Pretty annoying.

Oops… not sure I should go in there now… looks like she’s coming, too!


Now they’re chasing me away!  THIS IS NOT FAIR!

Sometimes my people leave the back door open… and I sneak inside!

I like to snuggle on mom’s shoulder…

Mom helps me with my blog… it’s hard work, you know.

Hurricane Irene came to town and my family came home…

with guests and more guests… this guy had fun with my birth mother, Brownie…

a relief to me since he keeps picking me up and putting me down!

The kitchen was very noisy with all those people, hard for a chicken to get any sleep!

it was raining so hard mom wouldn’t let me go outside…


I was getting pretty bored!

I was allowed to stay up all night with my sister’s friends playing cards.

This is the morning after.

The grandchildren came over to play and drove me nuts!

I started biting people…

DON’T THEY KNOW that I don’t like to be touched ALL THE TIME???

We made chocolate chip cookies…

and cuddled a lot

then the dog modeled his new eyes

and I showed everyone how lovable I can be.

The rain stopped and everyone went out to investigate…


Mom still wouldn’t let me go outside…

she was afraid that I might get blown away.

FINALLY, the sun came out and I was able to take my dirt bath!

That is until my birth mother showed up!

We had quite the laugh, watching the turkey talk to her reflection in the truck bumper.

My friend, Peg, came to visit from Florida and brought me a very pretty necklace… good enough to eat!

I had serious issues with how it ruffled my feathers… so now I just LOOK at it!

BUT… I LOVE Peg!  I can’t wait for her to come visit me again!

THEN, we had issues…

there were these big crashes tumbling through the house…

It turns out that those stupid birds were up on the roof

knocking loose bricks down the chimney!

Here is one flying off the roof.  They SCARE me!

They scared the cats, too… is it safe to come out?

We had A LOT MORE RAIN, things were flooding everywhere!

Boy, was I glad when the sun came back out.

It started getting dark earlier…

and I had to let someone know I was ready to come inside.

C’mon Dad, pleeeeeeease let me in!



Dad decided to move the chicken coop to the other side of the yard.

He didn’t notice that I hitched a ride!

It got a little scary up there.

So I got down!

The siblings couldn’t wait to steal MY food!

Mom says I’m all grown up now since I laid my first eggs…

She said they were so pretty she was going to keep one!

Little did I know that I was going to have to stay OUTSIDE now!  The coop was moved for me to live in… NO MORE HOUSE!  My mom says that is so I can get used to the colder weather since I can’t stay in the house for the winter.  It makes me sad, but my mom and dad still let me come in to say hi.

Those stupid birds decided to take a dirt bath IN MY GARDEN!

Good thing my friend, Celeste, was in the garden weeding!

We shared an awesome sunset…

and I had fun cuddling in Celeste’s hair.

Mom designed a rug about me… she finished it just before the big show!

Now she’s working on another one with just ME in it!

I helped my mom set up the Garden Shop.

I wanted to play in these nesting boxes, but mom thought the garlic looked pretty there.  I didn’t argue.

THEN, people started arriving and setting up tents.

These are my friends Cindy & Denise.  This was Cindy’s tent with her husband Joe (he picks things up and put them down!) and they own Hometown Antiques in West Brookfield, MA.  Denise owns Sassafras Hill Primitives in Enfield, CT.

Here is my friend, Robin… she likes to carry me around and is really nice!  She ran the admissions booth for the big show.

It rained and rained and rained… lots of people got really wet

and so did I!

We had lots of people over for dinner…

MY dad cooked for everyone.

(Sometimes he saves bits of bread for ME!)

MY mom let me come in and visit after most of the guests left.  (Photo by Bonnie Lucente)

We had special guests from the west coast staying with us for a few days.

THEY really liked ME!

Here is my new friend, Paul giving me a kiss ~blush~  (Photo by Bonnie Lucente)

Paul is a bookbinder from Washington and runs From Common Hands Studio.  MY mom LOVES his books… she has 4 and wants more!

My friend Bonnie came back to see me, too!  She writes a great blog called Home in New England.  (Photo by Paul McClintock)

MY friend, Maria, gave me a kiss, too!  She brought presents for ME!  (Photo by Paul McClintock)

All of a sudden, there were people EVERYWHERE!  I didn’t know where to go!

The peacocks hung out in the Liberty Garden, showing off their pretty feathers but not being very friendly… like ME!

My siblings thought they should try and look pretty, but they’re not very friendly, either.  (Photo by Paul McClintock)

I decided to hang out with my new friends Larry & Paul near the garden.

My mom and Paul were surprised by their friend Carolyn from Seattle.

Nothing prepared me for what was to happen NEXT!

These really cute little girls showed up, all dressed in costume like my mom and Doreen.

I let them pat me AND…

Ryleigh held me AND…

Maria gave me a bonnet AND…

I put it on for Ryleigh AND…

She thought I looked really pretty!

Then I decided I needed a BREAK so I disappeared for a while.

My mom told me that Ryleigh looked for me ALL DAY!  Finally, I came out and let her play with me again.  She took me out to the back field to visit with Maria and Bonnie and to show other people my bonnet.  SHE LOVES ME!

(Photo by Bonnie Lucente)

I scared a little girl… I didn’t mean to!

BUT Sharon liked me!

I got to meet Fred & Kevin, my mom’s friends.  Kevin said he really liked ME!

This BIG dog decided he wanted to EAT ME!  Luckily, his dad had a good hold on him!

I ran to hide behind my friends.

Paul took my portrait.  My mom says I look real pretty.  (Photo by Paul McClintock)

Maria took a funny picture of my mom and Paul in Milltown Primitives‘ booth… it looks like fun!  (Photo by Maria Cardillo)

All in all, I had lots of fun having all these people here.  Everyone was nice to me, laughing and having fun!  Maybe they will come again.  I would like that!

At the end of the day, everyone was tired, INCLUDING ME!

Celeste let me rest with her.

I snuck a sip of Doreen’s lemonade… she let me have it!

Then my dad let me rest in his lap.

The next morning, my mom and I took a walk in the garden.  (Photo by Paul McClintock)

and our friends said good-bye.

Uncle Jimmy came to visit.  I think he likes me!

The C – A – T and I are back to dodging the peacocks and playing in the garden.

(Photo by Maria Cardillo)

Until next time~


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The Garden Princess~

It’s been one heck of a week!

First, my friend Maria (Primitives by Maria) came over to visit me with her friends John (Country Culture), Jeanine and Danny.  They were all nice, but I like Maria best… I even tried on my aviator helmet for her.

First, after 3 whole weeks of hiding…

and skulking around…

my birth mother decided to abandon yet another nest FULL OF EGGS!!!

Can you imagine???  My mom says they weren’t fertile, but I’m not sure I believe her… remember WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!!!

I made friends with a sheep in the garden, only to find out it’s made of stone!

Someone was eating the tomatoes in the garden… I don’t know who it could be!

Oops!  Did you hear something?

Hmmmmm… maybe not.

I told my mom that it was time to harvest the garlic.  She wasn’t sure.

Are you sure you didn’t hear anything?


Caught.  In.  The.  Act.  Embarrassing.

Then that stupid turkey made me trip over the empty pots…

she stole MY cucumber…

and wouldn’t let me take it back!  Then she ATTACKED ME!


She mussed up my feathers…

and one feather…

one feather…

OMG!!!  Get her OUT OF HERE!!!

one feather FELL OUT!!!

The siblings are still around… they haunt me in the garden, popping in and out of the plants.

Here they are with my birth mother, all in embarrassing poses… am I really related to THEM???

This C – A – T is always underfoot!  He thinks that HE is my mom’s FAVORITE, but HE IS NOT!!!  He helps us tend the garden and he really isn’t so bad… at least HE doesn’t ATTACK me!

My mom finally harvested the garlic, WITH MY HELP… but he helped, too!

Sometimes I hide in the weeds.

I FINALLY got MY cucumber back!

Sometimes I hide in the herb garden… so I can sneak in the house!

Just like this!

I LOVE looking for bugs…



THAT is H U G E…

and there’s that C – A – T, trying to look all cute and sweet… what’s a chickie to do???

Get tough, that’s what!

Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh…. MOMMMMMMMMM!!!!

Phew… it’s safer up here!

Any ripe raspberries???

I was helping my mom stack soap in the Garden Shop and we heard a THUD on the roof!  Imagine… that crazy bird flew up on the roof.  Doesn’t she know the best bugs are on the ground?

Then she snuck in the house…

and slowly turned to leave…

BUT she had second thoughts, changed her mind and FLEW UP ON THE COUNTER!!!  My mom and dad had a FIT!!!  They SCARED her half to death and she flew down and ran OUT THE DOOR!

She got all huffy and walked away…

Pretty IMPRESSIVE!  Hmmmm, I think I might like that one!

Well, that’s it for now… until next time!


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